Sanctioning Fee Increase

For any event taking place next cooking season (begins October 1st) sanctioning fees will be $450 per event.

Nevada State - Winners Announced!

ICS congratulates the winners of the Nevada State in Pahrump, NV on March 25, 2018.

Silver State Chili Cook-off - Winners Announced!

ICS congratulates the winners of the Silver State Chili Cook-off in Pahrump, NV on March 24, 2018.

Capitol Market Green Chili Shootout - Winners Announced!

ICS congratulates the winners of the Capitol Market Green Chili Shootout in Charleston, WV on March 24, 2018.

Louisiana State Chili Cook-off - Winners Announced!

ICS congratulates the winners of the Louisiana State Chili Cook-off in Baton Rouge, LA on March 11, 2018.